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Lower Extremity
Skeleton of the lower limb
Bones of the pelvic girdle and skeleton of the free lower limb.
- Skeleton of lower limb (overview)
- Pelvic skeleton
- Hip bone
- Features of hip bone (acetabulum and obturator foramen)
- Ilium
- Ilium (landmarks)
- Ischium
- Ischium (landmarks)
- Pubic bone (Pubis)
- Pubic bone (landmarks)
- Femur
- Features of femur (proximal epiphysis)
- Features of femur (diaphysis)
- Features of femur (distal epiphysis)
- Patella
- Lower leg bones
- Tibia
- Features of tibia (proximal epiphysis)
- Features of tibia (diaphysis)
- Features of tibia (distal epiphysis)
- Fibula
- Features of fibula
- Bones of foot
- Tarsal bones
- Talus
- Talus (landmarks)
- Calcaneus
- Navicular bone
- Cuneiform bones
- Medial cuneiform
- Intermediate (middle) cuneiform
- Lateral cuneiform
- Cuboid bone
- Metatarsal bones
- Metatarsal bones (parts)
- First metatarsal bone
- Second metatarsal bone
- Third metatarsal bone
- Fourth metatarsal bone
- Fifth metatarsal bone
- Phalanges of foot
- Phalanges of foot (parts)
- Proximal phalanges of foot
- Intermediate (middle) phalanges of foot
- Distal phalanges of foot
Muscles of the lower limb
Muscle groups and muscles in the hip region, thigh, lower leg, and foot.
- Muscles of lower limb (overview)
- Muscles of hip region (part 1)
- Muscles of hip region (part 2)
- Muscles of hip region (part 3)
- Anterior compartment of thigh muscles (part 1)
- Anterior compartment of thigh muscles (part 2)
- Posterior compartment of thigh muscles
- Medial compartment of thigh muscles
- Anterior compartment of leg muscles
- Superficial posterior compartment of leg muscles
- Deep posterior compartment of leg muscles
- Lateral compartment of leg muscles
- Muscles of foot
- Dorsal muscles of foot
- Medial group of plantar muscles
- Lateral group of plantar muscles (part 1)
- Lateral group of plantar muscles (part 2)
- Lateral group of plantar muscles (part 3)
- Middle group of plantar muscles (part 1)
- Middle group of plantar muscles (part 2)
- Middle group of plantar muscles (part 3)
- Middle group of plantar muscles (part 4)
Innervation of the lower limb
Sacral and lumbar plexuses, most important nerves that supply the lower extremity.
- Innervation of lower limb
- Lumbar plexus
- Femoral nerve and its branches
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- Genitofemoral nerve
- Obturator nerve
- Iliohypogastric nerve
- Ilioinguinal nerve
- Sacral plexus
- Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
- Sciatic nerve (Ischiadic nerve)
- Tibial nerve and its branches
- Common peroneal nerve and its branches
- Sural nerve
Arteries of the lower limb
Major arteries providing blood supply to the lower limb, as well as their main branches.
- Blood supply of lower limb
- Femoral artery
- Deep femoral artery and its branches
- Popliteal artery
- Branches of popliteal artery
- Anterior tibial artery
- Branches of anterior tibial artery
- Posterior tibial artery
- Branches of posterior tibial artery
- Posterior medial, anterior medial and anterior lateral malleolar arteries
- Lateral and medial tarsal arteries
- Dorsalis pedis and arcuate arteries
- Dorsal metatarsal and dorsal digital arteries
- Lateral and medial plantar arteries
- Plantar metatarsal and plantar digital arteries
Ligaments of the lower limb
Ligaments strenghtening the joints of the free lower extremity.
- Ligaments of knee joint
- Bursae of knee joint
- Ligaments and interosseous membrane of leg
- Ligaments of ankle joint (part 1)
- Ligaments of ankle joint (part 2)
- Ligaments of subtalar joint
- Ligaments of talocalcaneonavicular joint
- Ligaments of calcaneocuboid joint
- Choparts joint
- Ligaments of cuneonavicular joint
- Lisfrancs joint (part 1)
- Lisfrancs joint (part 2)
- Ligaments of intermetatarsal joints
- Ligaments of metatatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints