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The human skull (Latin: cranium) is the skeleton of the head composed of 22 bones. Bones of the skull are joined together primarily by sutures. The primary function of the skull is to provide protection for the brain and sensory organs connected with it.

Skull by
Overview of skull
Overview of skull by

The skull incorporates the upper part of the digestive tract including the oral cavity, as well as the nasal cavity, which is the initial part of the respiratory tract. The skull also supports soft tissue of the head and facial anatomical structures.

Most of the bones that form the skull are immobile and are attached to each other by sutures to form the cranium. An exception is the mandible, which forms the lower jaw. It is a mobile bone that is connected to the skull at the temporomandibular joints.

Several bones of the skull contain air-filled cavities called the paranasal sinuses. These sinuses help to create voice resonance and aid in warming and moistening the inhailed air.


Parts of the skull

The human skull consists of two main parts. The neurocranium or braincase is the part which encloses the brain, while the viscerocranium is the portion that forms the facial skeleton. The skull may also be divided into calvaria (skullcap or skull vault) and cranial base (or skull base). The calvaria is the upper part of the neurocranium covering the cranial cavity. The cranial base includes the floor of the cranial cavity and the inferior part of the viscerocranium.

Parts of skull
Parts of skull by



The neurocranium encloses the cranial cavity. It protects all parts of the brain, including the cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem, and sensory organs connected with the brain. These organs include the eyes, ears, tongue (with taste buds) and olfactory receptors in the nasal cavity.

Neurocranium by

The inner surfaces of neurocranial bones contain grooves for arteries or arterial grooves, as well as depressions corresponding to the convolutions of the brain (cerebral gyri). These depressions are called the digitate impressions or impressions of cerebral gyri.

Neurocranium by


Bones of neurocranium

The neurocranium is formed by four unpaired (single) bones and two paired bones. The unpaired bones are the following:

The paired bones of the neurocranium are:

  • Temporal bones - located to the base and sides of the skull;
  • Parietal bones - superior to temporal bones, make up the roof part and sides of the skull.

Only the sphenoid, frontal, and ethmoid bones contain air-filled spaces called the paranasal sinuses.

Bones of neurocranium
Bones of neurocranium by



The viscerocranium is the part situated anterior to the neurocranium. It forms the facial skeleton and skeleton of the jaw. The viscerocranium also supports the soft tissue of the face.

Viscerocranium by
Viscerocranium by


Bones of viscerocranium

The viscerocranium is formed by six paired and two unpaired bones. The paired bones are the following:

  • Lacrimal bones - these are the smallest bones of the face, and they form the medial wall of the orbit;
  • Nasal bones - located in the midline of the face, these bones form the nose bridge;
  • Inferior nasal conchae - located within the lateral wall of the nasal cavity;
  • Zygomatic bones - form the cheeks and also contribute to the orbits;
  • Maxillae - located in the midline of the face, both bones are fused in a single bone called the maxilla; the maxilla forms the upper jaw and contributes to the hard palate;
  • Palatine bones - both bones fuse in the midline and participate in creating the hard palate, which forms floor of the nasal cavity and the roof of the oral cavity.

And the unpaired bones of the viscerocranium are:

Bones of viscerocranium
Bones of viscerocranium (anterior view) by
Bones of viscerocranium (lateral view)
Bones of viscerocranium (lateral view) by
Bones of viscerocranium (posterior view)
Bones of viscerocranium (posterior view) by

Only one bone of the viscerocranium, the maxilla, contains a paranasal sinus (maxillary sinus). The maxilla is also the most prominent immovable bone of the facial skeleton.

Sometimes the unpaired hyoid bone is also classified as a bone of the viscerocranium, although located in the upper neck region. The hyoid bone is connected with the skull with the help of ligaments.

Position of hyoid bone
Position of hyoid bone by
Position of hyoid bone (anterior view)
Position of hyoid bone (anterior view) by
Position of hyoid bone (lateral view)
Position of hyoid bone (lateral view) by



As mentioned above, the skull may also be divided into the calvaria and the cranial base. The calvaria is the top part of the neurocranium. It covers the cranial cavity, which contains the brain. It is also known as the skullcap or cranial roof. The calvaria is robust, it surrounds and protects the brain. But the cranial base is more delicate, composed mainly of thin-walled bones.

Calvaria by

The calvaria is formed by the parietal, frontal, and occipital bones joined together with sutures. More precisely, it is composed of the squamous part of the frontal bone, squamous part of the occipital bone (above the superior nuchal line), parietal bones, squamous part of the temporal bone, and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.

Calvaria (anterolateral view)
Calvaria (anterolateral view) by

The border between the calvaria and cranial base is marked by the following structures:

Calvaria (lateral view)
Calvaria (lateral view) by


Cranial cavity

The space within the skull is known as the cranial cavity or the intracranial space. The cranial cavity houses the brain and meninges, as well as the intracranial portions of the cranial nerves. It also contains vessels supplying the brain with arterial blood (arteries) and vessels collecting venous blood (veins and venous sinuses).

Cranial cavity, skull, calvaria removed
Cranial cavity by



Auditory ossicles

There are also three tiny bones called the auditory ossicles. They are known as the malleus, incus, and stapes. They are located within each middle ear housed in the skull. Specifically, these tiny bones are found within the right and left temporal bones. The stapes is the smallest bone in the human body.

Auditory ossicles: malleus, incus, stapes
Auditory ossicles by

As mentioned above, the skull is formed by 22 bones. Including the hyoid bone, it is 23 bones. And if auditory ossicles are also included, then actually, in total, there are 29 bones that count as bones of the skull. This is because there are three pairs of auditory ossicles: 22 + 1 (hyoid bone) + 6 (3 pairs of auditory ossicles).

Junctions of the skull

The human skull contains two main junction types:

  • Synarthroses or synarthrodial joints - junctions that allow no movement;
  • Diarthroses or diarthrodial joints - joints that allow free activities.

Sutures and synchondroses (cartilaginous joints) are classified as synarthrodial joints. The only joint in the skull allowing free movements is called the temporomandibular joint. And it is classified as a diarthrodial joint type.

Junctions of skull
Junctions of skull by



Almost all bones of the skull are connected with the help of fibrous junctions called sutures. Sutures are rigid joints between two or more bones. Within the human body, only the skull contains sutures. The cranial bones grow and fuse together during fetal and childhood development, forming a single skull. However, the mandible remains separate from the rest of the skull. In newborns and infants, the bones of the skull are fused incompletely. In these sites, membranous gaps called fontanelles are located.

Sutures of the skull (coloerd), postero-lateral aspect of skull
Most important sutures of the skull by

There are around 33 sutures in the human skull. The most important sutures in the skull are the following:

Sutures of the skull (colored), posterior view of skull
Most important sutures on the posterior side of the skull by

Other sutures of the skull include the following:

Most sutures between bones forming the viscerocranium are plane sutures, as the edges of the articulating bones are relatively smooth. For example, the bony base of the hard palate is formed by two horizontal plates of the palatine bone and two palatine processes of the maxilla. Both parts are connected by a sagittal oriented median palatine suture in the midline and frontal oriented transverse palatine suture located between the anterior two-thirds and posterior one-third of the hard palate.

Skull, Sutures, Viscerocranium, Neurocranium, Anterior view
Sutures of the skull (anterior view) by



In newborn babies and infants, sutures are fused incompletely. Between bones of the skull are soft spots - membranous gaps called the fontanelles. They allow the child's head to mold, so that it can pass through the birth canal. The fontanelles slowly close by a process called intramembranous ossification. The fontanelles can be divided into two groups - major and minor fontanelles.

There are two major fontanelles. The frontal (anterior fontanelle) is the largest one, and its shape resembles a diamond. It is located at the junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures. It stays open until the age two. The occipital (posterior fontanelle) is triangular-shaped. It is found at the junction of the lambdoid and sagittal sutures. It closes during the first three months after birth.

Fontanelles of fetal skull (superior view)
Fontanelles of fetal skull (superior view) by
Fontanelles of fetal skull (superoposterior view)
Fontanelles of fetal skull (superoposterior view) by
Fontanelles of fetal skull (posterior view)
Fontanelles of fetal skull (posterior view) by
Fontanelles of fetal skull (lateral view)
Fontanelles of fetal skull (lateral view) by

The minor fontanelles are smaller fontanelles situated on the sides of the skull. These are the sphenoidal and mastoid fontanelles. The sphenoid fontanelle is located between the sphenoid, temporal, frontal, and parietal bones. But the mastoid fontanelle is located between the temporal, occipital, and parietal bones. Both mentioned fontanelles have pairs.

Fontanelles, Major and minor fontanelles, Sphenoid fontanelle, Posterior fontanelle, Occipital fontanelle, Anterior fontanelle, Frontal fontanelle
Major and minor fontanelles by



Besides sutures that are described above, the skull contains other synarthrodial joints as well. There are several synchondroses between bones that form the skull. Synchondroses are cartilaginous joints. For example, there is a synchondrosis between the sphenoid bone and occipital bone. It is called the sphene-occipital synchondrosis. Other synchondroses of the skull include:

  • Spheno-petrosal synchondrosis
  • Petro-occipital synchondrosis
  • Spheno-ethmoidal synchondrosis
  • Inter-sphenoid synchondrosis
  • Anterior intra-occipital synchondrosis
  • Posterior intra-occipital synchondrosis


Temporomandibular joint

There is only one synovial joint between the bones of the skull, and it is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) formed between the head of the mandible and the mandibular fossa and the articular tubercle of the temporal bone. The TMJ is classified as a diarthrodial joint or diarthrosis. It is located anterior to the outer ear, to be more precise - anterior to the tragus of the ear on the lateral side of the face.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), lateral aspect of skull
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) by

An articular disc separates the articular surfaces of the TMJ, so they do not have contact with each other. With the help of this disc, the joint is divided into two cavities or compartments. A fibrous articular capsule surrounds the joint. Several ligaments help in joint stabilization and fixation. The ligaments of the TMJ include the lateral and medial collateral ligaments, sphenomandibular ligament, as well as the stylomandibular and temporomandibular ligaments.

The temporomandibular joint is divided into two floors, and the movement takes place in both. Thus, it acts as a multi-axis joint - a joint that allows several directions of motion, more precisely, movement around three axes. Movements permitted by the TMJ include depression and elevation of the lower jaw, moving the lower jaw forward and backward, and side to side. It also allows rotating movements of the lower jaw, for example, during chewing.

Muscle attachments on the skull

Bones of the skull provide attachment for muscles of the head and neck. The facial muscles arise from the bones of the facial skeleton. But the base of the skull serves as attachment site for the following muscle groups:


Paranasal sinuses

Several bones of the skull contain air-filled spaces surrounding the nasal cavity known as the paranasal sinuses. There are four sets of bilateral paranasal sinuses named according to the bone they are located. All of these sinuses open into the nasal cavity and they are considered to belong to the respiratory system. The four paranasal sinuses are the: maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, sphenoidal sinus, and ethmoid sinus (also known as the ethmoidal air cells).

The maxillary sinus is the most significant one. It is located under the orbit laterally to the nasal cavity. The frontal sinus is triangular-shaped and located within the frontal bone in the forehead region. It is the most superior sinus. The sphenoidal sinus is located within the body of the sphenoid bone. Therefore, it is located behind the eyes and nasal cavity. It is the most posterior one. The ethmoidal air cells are situated within the ethmoid bones, between the orbits and in the superior aspect of the nose.


Frontal view of skull, paranasal sinuses (maxillary, frontal)
Paranasal sinuses (maxillary sinus and frontal sinus) by


Functions of the paranasal sinuses include the following. The sinuses reduce weight of the front of the skull and facial bones. They are believed to humidify and heat inspired air. They serve to buffer against blows. Regulation of gas pressures, as well as defense agains various antigens are among their functions. The paranasal sinuses also aid in voice resonance.


Openings of the skull

The skull is rich with openings, including foramina (singular: foramen) and canals that connect one anatomical structure or region with another. These openings serve primarily as passages for cranial nerves, their branches, and accompanying blood vessels (arteries and veins). Nerves and vessels form neurovascular bundles. They may be harmed at the sites of skull openings by pathological processes or trauma.

Foramina are found in the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, temporal, occipital, palatine bones, and the maxilla. The largest opening of the skull is the foramen magnum in the cranial base. Through this opening, the spinal cord exits the cranial cavity as the continuation of the medulla oblongata. The foramen magnum is a single opening. But most of the skull openings are paired (bilateral). Some are multiple in number, for example, the foramina of the cribriform plate.

Listed below are essential openings in specific bones of the skull, with the parts of the skull they connect and the structures they carry.

Frontal bone
Opening LocationConnectionContent
Supraorbital foramen or notchCentral part of the supraorbital marginOrbit with the forehead region on the external face Supraorbital nerve, artery and vein
Frontal foramen or notchMedially to the supraorbital foramen or notchOrbit with the forehead region on the external face

Supratrochlear artery

Medial branch of the supraorbital nerve

Foramen cecumAnterior to the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone in the anterior cranial fossaAnterior cranial fossa with the nasal cavity Emissary vein connecting the nasal cavity with the superior sagittal sinus


Ethmoid bone
Opening LocationConnectionContent
Foramina of the cribriform plateCribriform plateNasal cavity with the anterior cranial fossaBundles of the olfactory nerves (CN I)
Anterior ethmoidal foramenBetween the anterior and posterior ethmoidal air cellsAnterior cranial fossa with the orbitAnterior ethmoidal nerve, artery and vein
Posterior ethmoidal foramenPosterior to the anterior ethmoidal foramenAnterior cranial fossa with the orbitPosterior ethmoidal nerve, artery and vein


Sphenoid bone
Opening LocationConnectionContent
Optic canalLesser wingMiddle cranial fossa with the orbit

Optic nerve (CN II)

Ophthalmic artery

Superior orbital fissureBetween the body, lesser and greater wingsMiddle cranial fossa with the orbit

Superior ophthalmic vein

Oculomotor nerve (CN III)

Trochlear nerve (CN IV)

Lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary nerves (from the ophthalmic nerve (CN V1))

Abducens nerve (CN VI)


Foramen rotundumAnterior part of the greater wingMiddle cranial fossa with the pterygopalatine fossaMaxillary nerve (CN V2)
Foramen ovaleGreater wing, posterior to the foramen rotundumMiddle cranial fossa with the infratemporal fossa

Mandibular nerve (CN V3)

Lesser petrosal nerve

Accessory meningeal artery

Emissary vein connecting the cavernous sinus with the pterygoid venous plexus

Foramen spinosumGreater wing, posterior and on sides from the foramen ovaleMiddle cranial fossa with the infratemporal fossa

Spinous branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3)

Middle meningeal artery and vein


Temporal bone
Opening LocationConnectionContent
Internal acoustic meatusPetrous partPosterior cranial fossa with the inner ear

Facial nerve (CN VII)

Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)

Vestibular ganglion

Labyrinthine artery

Stylomastoid foramenPetrous part between the styloid and mastoid processesPosterior cranial fossa with the external cranial base

Facial nerve (CN VII)

Stylomastoid artery

Carotid foramenPetrous partMiddle cranial fossa with the external cranial base

Internal carotid artery

Carotid plexus of nerves


Occipital bone
Opening LocationConnectionContent
Hypoglossal canalLateral partPosterior cranial fossa with the external cranial baseHypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Foramen magnumMost inferior part of the bonePosterior cranial fossa with the external cranial base

Rostral part of the medulla oblongata


Ascending fibers of the spinal root of the accessory nerve (CN XI)

Anterior and posterior spinal arteries

Vertebral arteries

Tectorial membrane

Alar ligaments


Opening LocationConnectionContent
Incisive foramenMedian line of the palatine process, posterior to the incisor teethOral cavity with the nasal cavity (incisive canal)

Nasopalatine nerve (branch of the CN V2)

Greater palatine artery and vein

Infraorbital foramenBody under the infraorbital margin Infraorbital canal with the external faceInfraorbital nerve, artery and vein
Alveolar foraminaBody part Infratemporal fossa with the alveolar canalsContain alveolar canals through which pass nerves and blood vessels to the teeth


Palatine bone
Opening LocationConnectionContent
Greater palatine foramenHorizontal plateOral cavity with the pterygopalatine fossaGreater palatine nerve, artery and vein
Lesser palatine foraminaHorizontal plate, posterior to the greater palatine foramenOral cavity with the pterygopalatine fossaLesser palatine nerves, arteries and veins


Mixed bones
Opening LocationConnectionContent
Sphenopalatine foramenBetween the sphenoid and palatine bonesNasal cavity with the pterygopalatine fossa

Nasopalatine nerve

Superior posterior nasal branches of the maxillary nerve (CN V2)

Sphenopalatine artery and vein

Inferior orbital fissureInferior to the superior orbital fissure in the orbital floor between the sphenoid bone and maxillaOrbit with the pterygopalatine and infratemporal fossae

Infraorbital nerve

Zygomatic nerve

Orbital branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion

Inferior ophthalmic vein

Emissary veins connecting the previous vein with the pterygoid venous plexus

Infraorbital artery and vein

Foramen lacrumBetween the sphenoid and temporal bones and basilar part of the occipital boneMiddle cranial fossa with the external cranial base

Nerve and artery of the pterygoid canal

Meningeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery

Emissary veins from the cavernous sinus to the pterygoid venous plexus

Jugular foramenBetween the petrous part of the temporal bone and occipital bonePosterior cranial fossa with the external cranial base

Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)

Vagus nerve (CN X)

Accessory nerve (CN XI)

Inferior petrosal sinus

Sigmoid sinus

Meningeal branches of the occipital and ascending pharyngeal arteries


Skull topography

The skull is divided into several important topographical regions, including the following:

Most of these regions are formed by different cranial fossae.


Cranial base

The cranial base, also known as the base of the skull or skull base, is the most inferior part of the skull. It forms the floor of the cranial cavity. The cranial base is formed by six different bones. These are the ethmoid, sphenoid, occipital, frontal, paired parietal and temporal bones.

The cranial base can be inspected from two sides - from inside and outside. The inner aspect of the skull base is known as the internal cranial base and is topographically divided further into three regions - anterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossae. The outside of the cranial base is called the external cranial base.

Internal cranial base

The internal cranial base is bounded anteriorly by parts of the frontal, sphenoid and ethmoid bones. Laterally, it borders with the parietal and temporal bones and posteriorly with the squamous part of the occipital bone. The internal cranial base contains the brain, the intracranial parts of cranial and spinal nerves, meninges, blood vessels, and cerebrospinal fluid.

Landmarks of internal cranial base
Landmarks of internal cranial base by

The internal cranial base is subdivided into three distinct regions called cranial fossae. Each cranial fossa houses a different part of the brain. The three fossae are:

Fossae of internal cranial base
Fossae of internal cranial base by
Internal cranial base, cranial fossae (anterior, middle, posterior)
Internal cranial base and cranial fossae by


Anterior cranial fossa

The anterior cranial fossa lies at the highest and most anterior level of the internal cranial base. It is made of three bones: ethmoid, frontal, sphenoid. It is formed by the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, the orbital part of the frontal bone, and the lesser wings of the sphenoid.

Anterior cranial fossa
Anterior cranial fossa by
Anterior cranial fossa


Boundary line

Anterior and lateral - inner surface of the frontal bone

Posterior - sphenoid bone

Posteromedial - anterior border of the chiasmatic sulcus

Posterolateral - lesser wings of the sphenoid bone



Frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex

Olfactory bulb

Olfactory tract

Orbital gyri



Cribriform foramina (olfactory foramina)

Foramen cecum

Anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina

Cranial base, Internal cranial base, Anterior cranial fossa, Bones of the anterior cranial fossa
Anterior cranial fossa by


Middle cranial fossa

The middle cranial fossa lies deeper within the skull base. It is wider than the anterior cranial fossa. It is butterfly-shaped and located in the center of the cranial floor. The middle cranial fossa is made up of sphenoid and temporal bones. The middle cranial fossa is formed by the body and greater wings of the sphenoid, the squamous part of the temporal bone, and the anterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone.

Middle cranial fossa
Middle cranial fossa by
Middle cranial fossa

Boundary line

Anteriorly - anterior margin of the chiasmatic groove, posterior margins of the lesser wings, and part of the body of sphenoid bone

Posteriorly - superior borders of the petrous part of the temporal bones, dorsum sellae of the sphenoid

Laterally - squamous parts of the temporal bones, greater wings of the sphenoid bone, and part of the parietal bones


Pituitary gland

Temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex


Optic canal

Superior orbital fissure

Foramen rotundum

Foramen ovale

Foramen spinosum

Carotid canal

Foramen lacerum

Hiatus of the greater petrosal nerve

Hiatus of the lesser petrosal nerve

Cranial base, Internal cranial base, Middle cranial fossa, Bones of the middle cranial fossa
Middle cranial fossa by

Posterior cranial fossa

The posterior cranial fossa lies at the lowest level of the internal cranial base and is the largest of the three cranial fossae. It is made of the occipital, temporal, and parietal bones. It is formed by all parts of the occipital bone, the posterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and the mastoid angle of the parietal bone.

Posterior cranial fossa
Posterior cranial fossa by
Posterior cranial fossa


Boundary line

Anteriorly - dorsum sellae, superior margins of the petrous parts of the temporal bones

Posteriorly - squamous part and internal occipital protuberance of the occipital bone, groove for the transverse sinus

Laterally - petrous and mastoid parts of the temporal bones, lateral parts of the occipital bone







Foramen magnum

Hypoglossal canal

Condylar foramen

Jugular foramen

Mastoid foramen

Internal acoustic meatus

Opening of the vestibular canaliculus

Cranial base, Internal cranial base, Posterior cranial fossa, Bones of the posterior cranial fossa
Posterior cranial fossa by


External cranial base

The external cranial base is the outer aspect of the skull base. It extends from the superior incisor teeth to the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone. The external cranial base can be subdivided into anterior, middle, posterior, and two lateral parts.

External cranial base
External cranial base by

The anterior part of the external cranial base is comprised of the superior alveolar arch, the bony palate, and the choanae. The alveolar process of the maxilla forms the superior alveolar arch, and it contains the dental alveoli or sockets for the teeth. The bony palate is formed by the palatine process of the maxillae anteriorly and horizontal plates of the palatine bones posteriorly. median palatine suture in the midline, and the frontally oriented transverse palatine suture located between the anterior two-thirds and posterior one-third of the hard palate.

External cranial base
External cranial base

The hard palate forms the roof of the oral cavity and the inferior wall of the nasal cavity. Openings presented on the bony palate include the incisive foramen and greater and lesser palatine foramina. The choana (plural: choanae) is a paired posterior aperture of the nasal cavity that opens into the nasopharynx. It is delimited by the horizontal plate of the palatine bone, a medial plate of the pterygoid process, the body of the sphenoid, and the vomer.

External cranial base
Landmarks of external cranial base by

The middle part of the external cranial base is formed by the body of the sphenoid, the petrous portion of the temporal bones, and the basilar part of the occipital bone. It extends from the choanae anteriorly to the anterior margin of the foramen magnum posteriorly. The middle part of the external cranial base presents with several openings, including the foramen lacerum, pterygopalatine fissure, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, and the carotid canal.

The occipital bone mainly forms the posterior part of the external cranial base. It features such openings as the single foramen magnum and the paired jugular foramen, hypoglossal canal, condylar canal, as well small openings - the mastoid canaliculus and the canaliculus for the tympanic nerve.

Each lateral part of the external cranial base consists of the zygomatic arch and the infratemporal fossa anterior, but the mandibular fossa, the tympanic part of the temporal bone, and the styloid and mastoid processes are located posteriorly. The lateral parts of the external cranial base present such openings as the external acoustic meatus, petro-tympanic fissure, stylomastoid foramen, and other smaller apertures.

Temporal fossa

The temporal fossa is a depressed area on each side of the skull bounded by the temporal lines and the zygomatic arch. It is formed by the temporal, sphenoid, parietal, and frontal bones. The temporal fossa is located superiorly to the infratemporal fossa.

Temporal fossa
Temporal fossa by
Temporal fossa

Boundary line

Anteriorly - frontal process of the zygomatic bone, zygomatic process of the frontal bone

Superiorly and posteriorly - superior and inferior temporal lines

Inferiorly - infratemporal crest on the greater wing of the sphenoid, zygomatic arch

Laterally - temporal fascia

Medially - frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones



Anterior - temporal surface of the frontal and zygomatic bones

Medial - temporal surface of the frontal, parietal and temporal bones, and the greater wing of the sphenoid

Lateral - zygomatic arch




Temporal muscle and fascia

Zygomaticotemporal nerve

Deep temporal nerves

Temporal branch of the facial nerve (CN VII)

Deep temporal arteries

Superficial temporal artery

Superior temporal artery

Corresponding veins

ForaminaZygomaticotemporal foramen
Cranial base, External cranial base, Temporal fossa, Bones of the temporal fossa
Temporal fossa by
Borders of temporal fossa
Borders of temporal fossa by
Walls of temporal fossa
Walls of temporal fossa by


Infratemporal fossa

The infratemporal fossa is an irregular-shaped space situated on each side of the skull below the temporal fossa and deep to the ramus of the mandible. It is located between the base of the skull, lateral pharyngeal wall, and ramus of the mandible. The infratemporal fossa communicates with the temporal fossa via space to the zygomatic arch. It also communicates with the pterygopalatine fossa via the pterygomaxillary fissure.

Overview of infratemporal fossa
Overview of infratemporal fossa by
Infratemporal fossa

Boundary line

Superiorly - infratemporal surfaces of the temporal bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid

Inferiorly - medial pterygoid muscle

Laterally - zygomatic arch, medial surface and condylar process of the mandibular ramus

Medially - lateral plate of the pterygoid process, tensor veli palatini and superior pharyngeal constrictor muscles

Posteriorly - carotid sheath

Anteriorly - posterior border of the maxillary sinus



Anterior - infratemporal surface of the maxilla

Superior - infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone

Lateral - zygomatic arch and ramus of the mandible




Major branches of the mandibular nerve (CN V3)

Chorda tympani

Otic ganglion

Lingual nerve

Buccal nerve

Inferior alveolar nerve

Auriculotemporal nerve

Maxillary artery

Pterygoid venous plexus

Middle meningeal vein

Maxillary vein

Medial pterygoid muscle

Lateral pterygoid muscle

Tendon of the temporal muscle



Foramen ovale

Foramen spinosum

Pterygomaxillary fissure

Inferior orbital fissure

Alveolar canals or apertures

Mandibular foramen

Skull with infratemporal fossa (borders marked in red)
Infratemporal fossa by

Pterygopalatine fossa

The pterygopalatine fossa, also known as the sphenopalatine fossa, is a cone-shaped, bilateral depression below the apex of the orbit on the lateral side of the skull. It is located between the maxilla anteriorly, the sphenoid bone posteriorly, and the palatine bones.

Overview of pterygopalatine fossa
Overview of pterygopalatine fossa by
Pterygopalatine fossa



Boundary line

Anteriorly - superomedial part of the infratemporal surface of the maxilla

Posteriorly - root of the pterygoid process and the adjacent anterior surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone

Inferiorly - palatine bone

Superiorly - maxillary surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, inferior orbital fissure

Medially - perpendicular plate of the palatine bone, orbital and sphenoidal processes of the palatine bone

Laterally - pterygomaxillary fissure





Pterygopalatine ganglion

Maxillary nerve (CN V2)

Infraorbital nerve

Nasopalatine nerve

Zygomatic nerve

Pharyngeal nerve

Posterior superior alveolar nerve

Lesser palatine nerve

Greater palatine nerve

Part of the maxillary artery

Sphenopalatine artery

Descending palatine artery

Infraorbital artery

Posterior superior alveolar artery




Sphenopalatine foramen

Inferior orbital fissure

Pterygomaxillary fissure

Greater palatine canal

Foramen rotundum

Pterygoid canal

Pharyngeal canal (palatovaginal canal)

Skull with pterygopalatine fossa (boundaries marked in red)
Pterygopalatine fossa by


The orbit or orbital compartment is a pyramid-shaped paired skeletal cavity located in the skull on either side of the root of the nose. Its base opens anteriorly in the central part of the face and next to the midline. Its apex is pointed backward. The orbit is a bony cavity housing and protecting the eye, its appendages, and its accessory structures.



Supraorbital - frontal bone

Medial - frontal process of the maxilla

Lateral - zygomatic processes of the frontal and zygomatic bones

Infraorbital - zygomatic process of the maxilla and zygomatic bone



Roof of the orbit (superior wall) - supraorbital margin and orbital surface of the frontal bone (anteriorly), orbital plate of the lesser wing of the sphenoid (posteriorly)

Floor of the orbit (inferior wall) - orbital surface of the maxilla (anteromedially), orbital surface of the zygomatic bone, palatine bone (anterolaterally)

Medial - lacrimal bone, orbital plate of the ethmoid, lesser wing of the sphenoid, frontal process of the maxilla

Lateral - frontal process of the zygomatic bone (anteriorly), orbital surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid (posteriorly)





Optic nerve (CN II)

Oculomotor nerve (CN III)

Trochlear nerve (CN IV)

Trigeminal nerve (CN V)

Abducens nerve (CN VI)

Ophthalmic artery

Superior and inferior ophthalmic veins

Lacrimal apparatus

Orbital fascia

Extraocular muscles

Orbital fat




Superior orbital fissure

Inferior orbital fissure

Optic canal

Anterior ethmoidal foramen

Posterior ethmoidal foramen

Nasolacrimal canal

Infraorbital canal

Bony orbit, bones forming orbit (colored), anterior view of skull
Bones forming the orbit by

Nasal cavity

The nasal cavity or cavity of the nose is an irregular, bilateral air-filled space located within the skull above the roof of the mouth, forming the internal part of the nose. The nasal cavity serves as the initial part of the respiratory tract. It is lined with a mucous membrane, which also houses olfactory receptors. Bones forming the nasal cavity are the sphenoid, palatine, lacrimal, ethmoid, nasal bones, vomer, and maxilla.

Inside of the skull, frontal view, nasal cavity, nasal conchae and meatuses
Nasal cavity by


Walls of nasal cavity

The nasal cavity is a bony compartment that is split into two symmetric compartments by the nasal septum. It has a roof, a floor, and four walls - all formed by bones of the skull. The roof of the nasal cavity is formed by the cribriform plate of the ethmoid and the anterior aspect of the body of sphenoid. The floor is formed by the bony palate. The bony palate is made by the palatine processes of the maxillae and horizontal plate of the palatine bone.

Coronal section of skull
Coronal section of skull by

The medial wall of the nasal cavity is represented by the bony nasal septum composed of the vomer and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid. The vomer is a small, thin bone forming the posterior part of the nasal septum. The vomer is attached to the rostrum of the sphenoid. The following structures form each lateral wall of the nasal cavity:

Nasal cavity
Nasal cavity by

The nasal bones form the anterior wall. On each side, it opens with an anterior nasal aperture. Finally, the posterior wall of the nasal cavity is formed by the anterior surface of the body of the sphenoid, and it presents a pair of openings called the choanae.


Nasal conchae

There are three bony formations in each lateral wall of the nasal cavity that resemble curved shelves called the nasal conchae - superior, middle, and inferior. They project into the nasal cavity creating five pathways called meatuses. These are the superior, middle, inferior, and common nasal meatuses, and the nasopharyngeal meatus.

Nasal conchae
Nasal conchae by
Nasal meatuses
Nasal meatuses by


Content and openings of nasal cavity

Like other skull regions, the nasal cavity serves as a passageway for several nerves and blood vessels of the head. The nasal cavity presents many openings in its bony walls, such as the following:

The nasal cavity is also connected with the paranasal sinuses with openings to the frontal, maxillary and sphenoidal sinuses, and the ethmoidal air cells.



The periosteum is a layer of dense connective tissue covering the surfaces of bones, and that includes the skull. The periosteum that covers the skull bones is also known as the pericranium. The periosteum has a significant role in bone repair and growth and impacts the blood supply of the bone. It consists of two layers:

  • Outer fibrous layer
  • Inner layer (also known as the cambium)

The outer layer of the periosteum is a tough fibrous layer formed by collagen fibers that can be subdivided into a superficial and deep portion. Both contain collagen and elastic fibers, but the deep portion is is known as the fibroelastic layer as it has many elastic fibers and is highly collagenous. This layer also contains many nerve endings - therefore, pain sensation can be triggered by the damage to this layer.

The inner layer contains many blood vessels and cells and is highly vascular and cellular. The periosteum of the skull is also the innermost layer of the scalp. The layers of the scalp from the most superficial to the innermost are the:

  • Epidermis of the skin with hair follicles and sebaceous glands;
  • Dermis containing dense connective tissue with nerves, lymphatics, blood vessels;
  • Epicranial aponeurosis (also known as the galea aponeurotica) - immobile connective tissue layer;
  • Loose connective tissue;
  • Periosteum, also known as the pericranium in the skull.


Functions of the skull

The primary function of the skull is to provide protection for the brain and the sensory organs connected with it. It also incorporates the upper part of the digestive and respiratory tracts. The skull supports the soft tissue of the head and facial anatomical structures. The skull also provides such functions as:

  • Head movement
  • Formation of the face framework
  • Passage for cranial nerves and vessels
  • Housing organs that provide special senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell)
  • Supporting the muscles moving various parts of the head and providing facial expressions
  • Attaching with the inner surfaces to the meninges (that stabilize the brain, blood vessels, and nerves)
  • Protection of the eyeballs and attachment for muscles moving them
  • Chewing and digestion (provided by the maxilla and mandible; these bones also contain alveolar processes with sockets that house the teeth)
  • Storage of calcium
  • Hematopoiesis