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The occipitofrontalis (Latin: musculus occipitofrontalis), also known as the epicranius muscle, is a facial muscle of the calvaria region. It is classified as the epicranial group muscle that covers the upper parts of the skull.

The occipitofrontalis is composed of two parts - occipital belly and frontal belly. Both bellies are connected with epicranial aponeurosis. The occipitofrontalis muscle usually is very loosely bound to the bones but very firmly to the rest parts of the scalp.

Occipitofrontalis with other facial muscles
Occipitofrontalis by

Both bellies of the occipitofrontalis are innervated by branches of the facial nerve (CN VII). The temporal branch innervates the frontal belly, while the occipital belly receives nerve supply from the posterior auricular nerve. The arterial blood supply of the occipitofrontalis muscle is provided by the branches of the following arteries: