Middle mediastinum
The middle mediastinum is located centrally in the thoracic cavity and its borders are as follows:
- Anteriorly - anterior part of the perciardium;
- Posteriorly - posterior part of the pericardium;
- Laterally on each side - mediastinal part of the parietal pleura;
- Superiorly - transverse thoracic plane;
- Inferiorly - superior surface of the diaphragm.
The middle mediastinum contains the following structures:
- Heart and pericardium
- Bifurcation of the trachea (read more!), right main bronchus and left main bronchus (read more!)
- Origins of the great vessels:
- Various nerves:
- Right phrenic nerve and left phrenic nerve
- Cardiac plexus
- Lymphatics, including tracheobronchial lymph nodes