
The spleen is the largest organ of the human lymphatic system. It is located in the left upper quadrant (or in the left hypochondriac region) of the abdomen, and it usually lies against the diaphragm (Read more!) in the area of the ribs 9 to 11.

The spleen is related to other organs of the abdominal cavity. It is connected to the greater curvature of the stomach (Read more!) by the gastrosplenic ligament, which contains the short gastric and left gastro-omental vessels. It is also related to the left kidney (Read more!) by the splenorenal ligament, which includes the splenic vessels. Both mentioned ligaments arise from the greater omentum.

The visceral peritoneum surrounds the spleen, except for its hilum on the visceral surface of the spleen. The splenic hilum is the entry and exit site for the splenic vessels, nerves, and lymphatics. Also, the tail of the pancreas (Read more!) may reach this area.

The arterial blood supply to the spleen is provided by the splenic artery arising from the celiac trunk.


Note: To read more about the spleen, please visit our 3D Spleen article!